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Absolut Wild Berri 700ml

A flavour with natural and authentic taste of wild berries. It has a distinctive taste of fresh berries with a sweet note. Fresh and fruity, sweet and tangy natural taste that is Born to Mix and suitable for any occasion, whatever the season.

Belvedere Vodka 700ml

Belvedere Vodka creates a world of flavour. Produced in one of the world's longest operating Polish distilleries that has been making vodka since 1910, Belvedere's Master Rye Distillers draw from a 600-year polish vodka-making history to artfully craft Polish rye into an extraordinary vodka of distinct taste and character. A spirit of endless potential, whether you prefer a classic cocktail or a simple serve, Belvedere Vodka stands out from the crowd.

Black Collar Distillery Chocolate Vodka 700ml

Rich, indulgent chocolatey goodness! Made with Black Collar's gold medal winning vodka, it's pure chocolate heaven from the moment you open the bottle. Lift your espresso martini game or indulge in some cheeky chocoholic shots.

Broken Shed Premium Vodka 750ml

Broken Shed Vodka is handcrafted in Wanaka, from all natural and renewable resources. We use the purest waters, sourced from New Zealand's most precious reservoirs and distilled three times.

Cîroc Vodka 750ml

CÎROC is a truly modern vodka, filled with flavour and style. Lusciously smooth, playfully sophisticated CÎROC is a commitment to superior taste, quality and a fun-loving lifestyle. Unlike most vodkas, which are made from grain, CÎROC Vodka is gluten-free and distilled from fine French grapes - a process inspired by over a century of wine-making expertise and craftsmanship.

Crystal Head Vodka 700ml

Produced on the remote island of St. Johns, Canada. Quadruple distilled and triple filtered through Herkimer diamonds. No additives, oils or sugars added. Ultra smooth, with a fuller taste than most Vodka's. Enjoy it in its pure form or with premium mixers.

Dancing Sands Vodka 700ml

Dancing Sands Vodka is the pinnacle of purity. Reflective of the pristine environment of Golden Bay, where turquoise waters lap endless golden sand beaches, nestled underneath marble and limestone mountains. The foundation of these mountains make up the bedrock of Golden Bay's aquifers, a combination that makes some of the purest and optically clear water on earth - the key ingredient for this remarkably smooth vodka. Dancing Sands Vodka is creamy and buttery on the palate with hints of nuts and citrus with a silky smooth finish. Simplicity at its finest.

Finlandia Cranberry 700ml

The cranberry gives the vodka a spicy suggestion of raisin, ginger and vanilla.

Finlandia Grapefruit 700ml

The nose-tingling coolness of a squeezed grapefruit adds to the crispness of the vodka.

Finlandia Lime 700ml

The citrusaroma of lime meets the suble sweetness of honey to give the vodka a rich, warm character.

Finlandia Vodka 1 Litre

Produced in Finland's pure, natural and pristine environment from Finnish six-row barley & glacial spring water. Renowned for it's purity.

Graham Norton's Own Irish Vodka 700ml

Craft distilled the traditional way from Irish potatoes, this Vodka is made with pure Mullaghmesha Mountain water, filtered through 300-million-year-old West Cork red sandstone. Developed in collaboration with a local Irish potato farmer and gin producer in Graham's hometown of Cork, Ireland.
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