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Grey Goose Le Citron 700ml

Each year, the French provincial town of Menton blooms with color in celebration of the lemon harvest. Fittingly, the taste of Grey Goose Le Citron is bright and elegant.

Grey Goose Vodka 700ml

Using only the finest ingredients, it's signature smoothness and distinct character are the result of an extraordinary passion for spirit making and an unparalleled commitment to the highest possible quality.

Ivanov Vodka 1 Litre

Ivanov is a classic style, NZ made Vodka. Clean on the palate with a delicate smooth taste, its perfect for mixing in your favourite vodka cocktails.

Ketel One Vodka 700ml

Nosing Ketel One Vodka will return hints of citrus and honey. After a sip of Ketel One Vodka, you'll taste a crisp, unmistakable coolness. Feel Ketel One Vodka generously and smoothly coats the tongue. The finish of Ketel One Vodka leaves a lively tingle, reminding you of its quality.

Medoff Classic Vodka 1 Litre

Medoff Vodka is renowned for its exceptional smoothness and its outstanding flavour.

Medoff Classic Vodka 200ml

Medoff Vodka is renowned for its exceptional smoothness and its outstanding flavour.

Rogue Society Signature Vodka 700ml

Rogue Society Signature Vodka. The perfect canvas for crafting cocktails. Botanicals: Wheat based grain, water (Clutha River, Southern Alps, New Zealand) Tasting notes: Creamy upfront wheat, apple & mint builds complexity, dry & long with a buttery mouthful.

Scapegrace Uncommon Japanese Umeshu Plum Vodka 700ml

Scapegrace Vodka is the perfect canvas for crafting cocktails, flavours and creative ideas. So with this in mind they have combed New Zealand to hero the stories of unique people, producing unique ingredients to collaborate with. For this release they have partnered with Neville & Junko Chun from Horowhenua, who pioneered the cultivation of authentic Japanese Yuzu Lemon and Umeshu Plums in New Zealand.

Scapegrace Uncommon Japanese Yuzu Lemon Vodka 700ml

Scapegrace Vodka is the perfect canvas for crafting cocktails, flavours and creative ideas. So with this in mind they have combed New Zealand to hero the stories of unique people, producing unique ingredients to collaborate with. For this release they have partnered with Neville & Junko Chun from Horowhenua, who pioneered the cultivation of authentic Japanese Yuzu Lemon and Umeshu Plums in New Zealand.

Simply Pure Blue Duck Rare Vodka 700ml

Named after the endangered and New Zealand endemic bird, Blue Duck Vodka is a super premium vodka with a seriously smooth finish. Blue Duck Rare Vodka is handcrafted and batch-distilled using a copper Arnold-Holstein hybrid still in their base in the hills above Tauranga by Master Distiller Micheal Deinlein, who's family have been making alcoholic beverages since the 1930's. After a total of seven distillations, Simply Pure blend the distillate with filtered water sourced from a spring underneath their distillery resulting in our seriously smooth international award winning Blue Duck Vodka. With every bottle sold they make a donation to their charity partners that help protect NZ's native species and wild places.

Skyy Vodka 1 Litre

In 1992, Skyy set the standard by making America's first quadruple distilled and triple filtered premium vodka. Twenty-five years later, they're still making better liquid and better cocktails every day.

Smirnoff Red No.21 Vodka 1 Litre

Smirnoff No. 21 Red Vodka, also known as Red Label, is celebrated as the world's best-selling premium vodka. Its iconic reputation stems from a meticulous distillation process: triple-distilled from a blend of grains and filtered ten times through seven columns of sustainable charcoal. This results in its exceptionally smooth, pure taste that is both soft and full-bodied.
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